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11 Before 11

11 Before 11

Wilshere-Dacre Junior Academy is part of the REAch2 Academy Trust. Therefore, as a school, we are committed to delivering the 11 Before 11 Promises. 11 Before 11 is an initiative created by REAch2 which promises that within the primary years, pupils will experience 11 memorable childhood experiences.


The experiences are:

  • 10 good deeds
  • Caring campaigner
  • Create something amazing
  • Cross a border
  • Culture vulture
  • Flashmob
  • Hiking heroes
  • Make or break a REAch2 record
  • Messing about on the water
  • Perfect a pitch
  • Seeds to supper
  • Sleeping under the stars
  • Shake it up Shakespeare
  • Wildlife Warrior


As Wilshere-Dacre is a Junior School, in 2023-2024 we are hoping to deliver seven of these promises over the year.


All year groups will be  participating in Good Deeds week in the week commencing 12th December, and we will complete 10 good deeds to help those in the local community.


On Thursday 15th December, all year groups will watch a Christmas Pantomime and completed the Culture Vulture promise.


Throughout the year, each year group will complete their own promise too.

Year 3 will be completing Wildlife Warrior. They will learn about birds of prey, visit a Birds of Prey Centre and create bird feeders to help the wildlife near their homes

Year 4 will be completing Hiking Heroes and going on a 10 mile hike around Hitchin next summer.

Year 5 will be learning all about the stars and space and will complete Sleeping under the stars.

Year 6 will be taking part in water sports and activities to complete Messing about on the water in July.


We look forward to another successful year of delivering promises and creating exciting memories for the children.



11 Before 11 - REAch2 Academy Trust

Uploaded by REAch2 Academy Trust on 2021-11-11.
