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The Wilshere-Dacre Choir

Choir club is after school every Monday from 3.00pm-4.00pm with Mrs Parker. It is free for anyone to join from Year 3 to 6.

The children learn a variety of different songs throughout the year, from popular pop through to folk, rock and classical.

They go carol singing in the community at Christmas, perform at Musicians Evening in the Spring term and then at the Hitchin Festival in the Summer. The Autumn term is normally spent learning the challenging but FABULOUS songs for the Young Voices concert in January or February. This trip is the highlight of the choir year.

If you would like to join Choir, please come and get a letter from Mrs Parker or speak to the office.


Some credits from our recent performances around Hitchin:

you really missed a treat’, ‘it was wonderful’ , ‘the singing was really lovely’. ‘The children were a credit to the school and so well behaved’.



Choir performance July 2024

Still image for this video

Choir performing for Sir Steve Lancashire (head of Reach 2) May 2022

Young Voices Concert - Wembley 2023
