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School Meals

All school meals taken MUST be paid for in advance.


We offer ‘Pupil Choice’ for school meals; this includes a meat option, vegetarian option, jacket potato or school packed lunch. The idea behind this is to enable all children to choose their meals in the morning to ensure they get their choice of lunch. All of the food cooked is from fresh ingredients (no processed food). Payment for meals should be made in advance via 'Arbor' which can be access via a smartphone or computer.

If you receive certain benefits you may be entitled to claim free school meals. Further information may be obtained from the school office.

The alternative to a school meal is a packed lunch from home. Children who bring a packed lunch eat in the dining room at the same time as the rest of the school. Lunches should be brought in a plastic box with the child’s name clearly written on the top. We do not provide plates or cutlery for packed lunches. Please note we cannot accommodate ‘Thermos’ flasks, bottles or cans of any kind, but we do allow pre-packed cardboard containers with an integral straw or screw top drink containers. Water is available in the canteen for all children.

Please note that the school has a 'No Nuts' policy.

On rare occasions where a child’s behaviour gives rise to concern or spoils lunchtime for other children, you may be required to take your child home. The responsibility for children returning home at lunchtime rests with the parent. 


Snacks and Drinks

In line with our healthy eating policy, children may bring a fruit snack or cereal bar (with no chocolate) to eat for mid-morning break. Please ensure that they do not bring sweets, crisps or chocolate.

Snacks are also available from the canteen. The cost of snack tickets is 50p per day. If you would like your child to have them you will need to order them via 'Arbor' (Please note that there is a minimum payment of £1.50).

Dinner Debt

If payment is not received you will receive a letter from the school office requesting payment. Further letters may also be sent requesting you come into school to meet with the Head Teacher to discuss the debt.

If the school have to send three letter or more letter home you will be informed in writing that unless payment is made in advance we will not be able to provide your child with a hot school meal.

After the final letter has been sent if payment is not received before 10.30am on the day your child requests a meal we will not be able to provide them with a hot school dinner (we will of course ensure their welfare - Please note there is a £1 charge for this).

Please note that if the debts are not cleared it will be passed to governors who may pass the debt onto the small claims court.
