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History at Wilshere-Dacre



We aim for a high-quality history curriculum which should inspire in pupil’s a curiosity about Britain’s past and that of the wider world. Our aim is to encourage children to develop an appreciation and understanding of the past, evaluating a range of primary and secondary sources. Our children will be able to explain clearly how these sources give us an insight about how people around the word used to live and how these interpretations may differ. We aim to provide a history education which is fully inclusive for every child.


The aims of teaching history within our school are:

• To enable children to know about significant events in British history and to appreciate how things have changed over time;

• To develop a sense of chronology;

• To understand how Britain is part of a wider European culture and to study some aspects of European history;

• To have some knowledge and understanding of historical development in the wider world;

• To help children understand society and their place within it, so that they develop a sense of their cultural heritage;

• To develop in children the skills of enquiry, investigation, analysis, evaluation, debate, interpretation, problem solving and presentation.  




History units follow three stages: Engage, Develop and Reflect. At the beginning of a unit, teachers plan exciting wow days to engage and enthuse the children. This is followed by the Develop stage, where lessons are taught which cover the key unit objectives. The final stage is the Reflect stage, which is used to address misconceptions and reteach historical skills, which are not yet consolidated.  


Our History curriculum is based around the substantive concepts of democracy and invasion. These substantive concepts are the core knowledge that builds children’s learning from one period to the next. Through continuously building upon each concept and revisiting the concepts time and time again in different contexts, children can build a strong narrative in their mind about how these concepts have changed over time and why. Ultimately, building a narrative of the world and its people. 


When planning history, prior knowledge and skills covered are taken into account so that children are able to make connections with prior learning and to ensure there is clear progression across the school. All history lessons start with a recall starter, which recap previous learning from a range of foundation subjects and history vocabulary from previous units.


Teachers cater for the varying needs of all learners, scaffolding when necessary and as appropriate, and ensuring an appropriate level of challenge. Assessment is ongoing throughout the history curriculum. Each unit, children undertake two assessment tasks, which informs planning and allows teachers to assess against the coverage of key skills and knowledge.


Tier 3 vocabulary has been mapped out across all year groups to ensure consistency and progression. 10 tier 3 words have been selected for each unit and are taught across a half term. Vocabulary is taught in context and children are encouraged to use the key vocabulary both orally and in written work. Vocabulary is displayed in the classroom and children record definitions in their books. Teachers encourage discussion techniques such as ABC (Agree, Build on and Challenge) in lessons to promote debate and provide opportunities for use of key vocabulary.


To further develop their understanding and enrich the curriculum, children are given a variety of learning experiences both inside and outside of the classroom, through wow days, historical visits and in school workshops. These experiences enhance children’s historical knowledge, understanding and skills.


To ensure the curriculum is representative of our community, we teach Our History on a half-termly basis. The history of those from ethnic or ethnic minority groups and people from ethnic minority backgrounds is interwoven through the history curriculum when appropriate.




In history, children are confident and able to talk about what they have learnt using subject specific vocabulary. Children enjoy history and are able to recall their learning over time. Children’s work demonstrates that history is taught at an age-appropriate standard across each year group with opportunities planned in for pupils working at greater depth. Work is of good quality and demonstrates that children are acquiring knowledge, skills and vocabulary in an appropriate sequence. In books, there is evidence of a broad and balanced curriculum. Children ask perceptive questions, think critically, weigh evidence, sift arguments and develop perspective and judgement. Children are equipped with the historical skills and knowledge that will enable them to be ready for the curriculum at Key Stage 3 and for life as an adult in the wider world. The school environment is history rich through displays and vocabulary.

I like learning about things that have happened in the past, that we can compare to our life today. - Year 4 pupil 


Learning about the past is very important because it helps us to understand why things are the way they are today. - Year 5 pupil

